Anna Veress
Anna Veress was born in Budapest and studied architecture. After working as an urban planner for several years, she became a translator and editor for a literary magazine. She then worked as a dramaturge at the Katona Theater and the Krétakör Theater in Budapest. She has worked regularly as a dramaturge and interpreter for Hungarian directors in German-speaking countries since 1994, including at the Burgtheater in Vienna and the Berliner Ensemble, including Tamás Ascher and Árpád Schilling. Veress has worked closely with Viktor Bodó since 2006. Joint productions have premiered at the Deutsches Theater Berlin, Schauspiel Köln, Staatstheater Mainz, Schauspielhaus Graz, Theater Basel and Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, among others. Following Bodó's The Exterminating Angel, Fabian Or Going to the Dogs is her second work at Schauspiel Stuttgart.