Jahangir Hasan Masum*

Mr. Syed Jahangir Hasan Masum has been working as human rights and development activist for the last 18 years to realize social, economic & climate justice. He was born on 3rd June, 1975 in the Barisal District of Bangladesh. He had earned his post-graduate degree in Geology from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Since 2008, he has been serving as the Executive Director of Coastal Development Partnership (CDP), a national Research and advocacy focused not-for-profit organization in Bangladesh. He is also the Chairperson of the Reality of Aid-Asia-Pacific (RoA-AP), a network of Asia-Pacific CSOs that aims to transform aid relationships. Mr. Masum acts as peoples’ advocate both in the national and international arena. He raises voice on behalf of the natural resource dependent poor and marginalized livelihood groups (like marginal farmers, fisher folk, landless farm laborers, indigenous people, people with disability and women) and deliver their views and demands in the climate change negotiations and SDG process. He has been involved with the UNFCCC process since 2007 and played a key role in promoting intergenerational equity and just energy transition in the UNFCCC process. He has conducted many researches on climate risks, development effectiveness, public-private partnership, low-carbon development, just energy transition, renewable energy and impact of global challenges such climate crisis, financial crisis and food crisis. He is very active in the Asia-Pacific Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (AP-RCEM), Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), Reality of Aid, High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on SDGs, Climate Action Network, South Asia (CANSA) and the OECD DAC-CSO Reference Group.
Sulab Makan, Witness